

“The Way Of The Shadow Warrior"
“A Comprehensive Online Course"

“The True Path"

The Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu Martial Arts and Honjojutsu Katori Ryu combining “The Way Of The Shadow Warrior” and “The Way Of The Sword” balancing the very best in Martial Arts diciplines to form the dynamics of the Ninjutsu Art, to the power and speed of the Sword drawing art of the Sengoku Warrior. Our website offers a comprehencive study for all who wish to take part, and hosts the sale of Ninjutsu products and accessories at our very own KMA Association Shop in the support of your education, or for all who share a common interest in the martial arts in general. We pride ourselves on the production of high-end quality products and services that we believe to be the best both in reliability, style, and performance.

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"Our Shop"

The KMA Association manufactures high end quality Uniforms, Products, and Accessories for the Martial Arts Industry. Selling Traditional " Shinobi-no-mono" and " Ninpo Yoroi" uniforms using the very best materials for reliability, durability, and performance when in use for either field training or competition work. We pride ourself on not just making your look the part, but also giving you the edge both in style and tradition.

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"Shadow Trials Countdown"

“The Next Shadow Trials"

Pay As You Go


Access to the School through a Pay As You Go payment system of just £12.95p a week. 

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Get started and take advantage of the Pay As You Go option, pay as little as £12.95p for one weeks worth of tutorials at a time.

Anual Membership


Gain access to the School through a yearly Subscription plan for further education. 

An anual subscription gives a wide range of choice in the Study Room section of the school, for more in-depth tuition and weapons tutorials.

Fellowship Of Shadows


Obtaining a licence to the Fellowship Of Shadows and Access to the Shadow Trials.

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Become a member of the Fellowship Of Shadow Warriors, and obtain a licence for taking part in the gruelling Shadow Trials tournaments.

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“Path Of A Shadow Warrior”

The Online Experience.

An introduction course into understanding the basics towards defensive and offensive manoeuvres.
Moving to the Study Room and engaging with more advanced sequences and learning the theory behind the laws of motion. Bringing together basic sequences and manoeuvres to form structured technique and form for good defence.

An engaging online experience for those wishing to challenge both the mind and the body. We offer all newcomers an opportunity to learn the “Way Of The Shadow Warrior” in this diverse and dynamic online education. Practice and engage with experts in the “Way Of The Shadow Warrior” to support your education, advancing either by yourself or with friends.

What People Are Saying About Us

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"Membership For Six or Twelve Months"

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"The Way Of The Shadow Warrior"

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“ Knowledge Will Always Forge The Sharpest Blades"

"The Way Of The Sengoku Warrior"

"There Are No Second Chances"

Strength of mind and flexibility of limb are the keys in order to obtain speed and power through defensive and offensive actions. Like a samurai’s blade the secrets of its strengths relies on the blending of different grades of steel. An inner core of steel with more carbon than the outer cutting surface with less carbon, making the sword flexible and hard at the same time. Blending of these elements takes time and great skill in order to produce such a deadly weapon. "Practice to develop this power in you" it will take time to blend skills of hard and soft, but do not be fooled in believing that outer strength alone is all that is required in combat, this will only encourage tension making movement slow and predictable. Flexibility alone will give great speed and manoeuvrability, but is too weak and ineffective against strength alone. Blending both will give not only inner core of flexibility, but an outer strength like steel. 

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"Subscribe to Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu Newsletter only"

Senior Members

Our four experts and administrators for social media websites, including our online school for the art of Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu-ninjutsu.

Sensei Treanor

Master of Arts of the Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu, Honjojutsu Katori Ryu, Battojutsu Katori Ryu, member of the Dark Arts Association.


Matt Lewis

Matt Lewis specialist in his field and a gifted shadow warrior, moral booster, and head hunter during the Shadow Trials.


Graham Blackford

Graham Blackford bush craft expert and trials champion, admin, and senior instructor, member of the Dark Arts Association.


Terry Lloyd

Terry Lloyd exceptional martial artist and weapons expert, member of the Dark Arts Association.