
Yellow Belt Assessment Room

"Your Journey Starts Here"

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Yellow Belt Grading Assessment Form

Step One

Click on the image or button to download the Yellow Belt Assessment Form and print off a copy. Fill out your name and tick all boxes through the left column of the form when you are satisfied each section has been done to the best of your ability.

Difficulty: Moderate

Step Two - Online & Attending

Logic Test - The Leaves Of Wisdom

You are now faced with finding the answer to this Yellow Belt logic test. Read the story carefully in order to find the correct answer of which you may think twice before answering. You have only one chance in order to obtain the correct answer, and can ask your sensei for three clues before commiting to this test. If you fail this you will not be able to proceed to your assessment, as Logic in a Warrior is greater than his might.

Warriors Scroll Certificate

Step Three

Assessment or Grading

"The Warriors Scroll"

Your assessment or grading is the last step in the process prior to you obtaining your Shadow Warriors Certificate and belt, and is a one to one affair with your Sensei or instructor recognised and qualified as a member of the K.M.A Association. You can only be given an assessment once you have passed your “Logic Test Challenge” plus your "Scroll Challenge” successfully by producing a valid pass certificate given to you during a successful "Scroll Challenge” on the first day your assessment begins. Attend your assessment as though you were attending a normal lesson, keeping in mind not to forget any part of your uniform or equipment that may be required as a part of your Grading Assessment test. Your thesis will also be required as part of your assessment so if it is not complete finish it prior to attending or this will effect your overall assessment score.

When you book in your first assessment with the K.M.A Association you will be given three opportunities in order to cover all that is required over the space of three weeks. This will mean that if all requirements during your first assessment have not been satisfied you can re-book for a second or third assessment if required. Your assessment is an impromptu affair and much like a private lesson with your Sensei or Instructor. You will however need to satisfy without any reasonable doubt your competency and skills covering the required basics, Intermediate or advanced Techniques, if required within the Syllabus you are being graded for. The Queue Tips are an important indication to whether or not you are ready to take your Grading Assessment. This is given to each student by your Sensei or Instructor and attached to either end or your belt. If your are learning the Yellow belt syllabus and have a White belt you will be given Yellow Queue Tips to be worn until you are graded to the colour corresponding. This gives each student control over when to start the grading process giving self assurance and confidence to the task at hand.  You must purchased a colour belt, and have it with you on each of your assessments. If passing your assessment you will be awarded a Shadow Warrior Certificate on the day you pass. The certificate is not free or part of your membership, so you need to arrange payment with you Sensei or Instructor after the ceremony on receiving your belt and certificate.

The Five Attitudes in the Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu also known as the “Five Rings” are stages or levels required to complete successfully in order to have a comprehensive knowledge base in relation to theory and dynamics of motion governing defensive and offensive action. This is covered in all corresponding syllabuses relating to each Attitude. Each Attitude also depicts a stage or level of your education in connection with your skills and abilities both mentally and physically, that gives a unique and comprehensive understanding of skill sets both armed and unarmed with a combination of Skill Sets unique to the Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu Martial Arts system. Even though each Attitude is unique both in concept and form each Attitude can be used separately as a system of defence all on it’s own without advancing to the next attitude. but whatever your intentions or reasoning behind gradings or assessments think of how each attitude blends and becomes apart of one another as a complete system of fighting merging the Attitudes together as one complete system and art form.

The Yellow Belt Shadow Warriors Certificate is awarded to students who understand basic theory and practices covered by the Yellow Belt syllabus for actions carried out unarmed which include Basics, Technique, and Form. This would include a basic understanding of Theory, History, and knowledge of dynamics and motion as a written thesis to be submitted.

The Purple Belt Shadow Warriors Certificate is awarded to students who understand all basic theory and practices covered by the Purple Belt syllabus for actions carried out armed. This would extensively be in relation to Baton, Nunchaku, Knife, and Bokken basics in application and practice. Written theory in connection with this syllabus is mandatory and submitted as part of assessment for Purple Belt.

The Green Belt Shadow Warriors Certificate is awarded to students who understand all basic theory and practices covered by the Green Belt syllabus for actions carried out both armed and unarmed. This would extensively be in relation with and cover both Yellow Belt and Purple Belt Syllabuses in obtaining an Intermediate knowledge of dynamics and laws of motion within technique and Form. A comprehensive understanding of weapons used both in theory and practice as part of the Green Belt Syllabus or weapons of choice. Written theory in connection with this syllabus is mandatory and submitted as part of assessment for Purple Belt.

The Brown Belt Shadow Warriors Certificate is awarded to students who understand all basic and intermediate skills both in theory and practices covered by the Brown Belt syllabus. This would include basic knowledge and understanding of fieldwork and survival exercise assessed by the K.M.A Association. Overall competency and skill in relation with the Katana and Jo Staff in manoeuvrability and Form. Written theory in connection with this syllabus is mandatory and submitted as part of assessment for Purple Belt.

The Black Dragon Warriors Certificate is awarded to students who fully understand all basic, Intermediate and advanced skills both in theory and practices covered by the Black Belt syllabus and previous four attitudes of which advanced skills are implemented. This include an advanced understanding of all attitudes already undertaken plus an advanced and fully comprehensive knowledge base both practical and academic covered by the Black belt theory and practice outlined by the K.M.A Association guidelines and rulings.

Even though your assessment or grading is an impromptu affair without the presence of an examination board, and between you and your Sensei you must keep all protocol and disciplines at your very best of your ability, as you will be assessed for everything you say, do and have been taught at the K.M.A Association School. This will also include Dojo etiquette, Personal hygiene, Uniform, and Weapons, this is your time to excel at your chosen art form so “So Be Mindful”.

Dark Ats Warrior Members
Terry Lloyd - Dark Arts Association Member
Graham Blackford - Dark Arts Association Member
Sensei Treanor - Dark Arts Association Member

Yellow Belt - Scroll Challenge Arena

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Scroll Challenge 

Challenge For Attending Members Only

The scroll Challenge is an overall assessment on whether you as a student of the KokidoRyuNinjutsu have the aptitude and presence of mind in order to take your Grading to progress further into the system. This doesn't necessarily fall upon your skill as a martial artist, but upon you ability as a student of the arts to overcome under stress and extreme adversity when faced with danger, and your own personal demons. Whatever is presented must awaken in you a presence of mind to overcome and succeed when challenged. It would however be foolish to challenge or try to defeat a trained Assassin when confronted in a duel or close quarter combat, as the outcome would never be favourable to yourself considering the skill possessed and unleashed by a trained Shadow Warrior.

The Element presented :

You will be given one of five elements: Fire - Water - Wind - Earth or Void.

You must decipher from that element what the challenge may represent and how best to proceed. You are not really going to know how to best use this element until you are face to face with the assassin. Your best defence is to understand the element well before comforting the Shadow Warrior. The elements are symbolic but have been used and applied in the martial arts and Chinese medicine for centuries. Take the Water Element - Sui - for an example, this element had shape and form, gentle yet destructive, its surface is reflective yet invisible, it creates life yet destroys it. Now with this in mind water as with all the elements has its opposite or opposing force or Yin n Yang ( light and dark ). The Shadow Warrior will always try to find his or her apposing force, and will search until this is found. Meeting force with force will cause confusion and negativity becoming destructive to the weaker element. So to is submission to an opposing force as this is deemed unworthy. You cannot pre-determine, you must act in accordance with its motion and laws. Hesitance or uncertainty will prompt a reaction as with nature, so always follow the natural laws of motion, and use logic and cunning to overcome.

The Arena:
Enter the Arena or Challenge ground on time. Never arrive early in order to gain an advantage or oversight to what may lie ahead.
Once entering the grounds or Arena then your Scroll Challenge will begin and you will be pursued by the Assassin who lies in wait. So arriving early will only prompt the Challenge to begin of which you may not be aware. Never leave the Arena once the Challenge is under way, or you will be hunted down and taken back to the Challenge Area by force if necessary. This would be an insult to all concerned and would not be taken lightly. Walk around the grounds and try to relax as much as possible, try not to think to much as your mind will play tricks with you. When the Shadow Warrior appears walk toward him or her and pay your respects by bowing. Once the Warrior acknowledges you respect the Challenge will begin. If there is more than one Assassin then the overseers will be in shadow.

Keep a sensible distance! or this may appear threatening prompting an unexpected reaction by the Shadow Warrior. Observe and try to determine what the Warrior is searching for, and respond in kind. ( Don't stand motionless as the test may involve you moving first ). Your time is limited so make good use of it. If the Shadow Warrior becomes agitated then you have taken to long and will be either struck down or the Warrior will leave the Challenge Arena with the Scroll. ( You may avoid this by kneeling on your right knee, placing your right hand palm down on the ground with a stretched arm, and lowering your head until the Shadow Warrior moves backward. This is to show disappointment in your observations and show no disrespect ). Now stand up and rejoin the challenge. If you have satisfied and passed the Challenge then the Warrior will yield the Scroll depending on the format of the challenge. Once you are in possession of the scroll kneel and wait for the Shadow Warrior to leave the Challenge Arena.


Booking Your Dark Arts Association Scroll Challenge

Scroll Challenge Cost: £110.00

Please be aware that once you have booked for a Scroll challenge we will then contract a Shadow Warrior from the Dark Arts Association who will be assigned to you for the purpose of the Challenge. This payment is forwarded to the Dark Arts Association and is not refundable regardless of circumstances. You will be contacted from the information provided giving the time and date of the Scroll Challenge.

Shadow Warrior Certificate - Option 1
£49.54 + P&P
Certificate Of Excellence - Option 2
£49.54 + P&P

Choose Your Certificate?

Booking A Warriors Challenge

You can now book your Shadow Warriors Scroll Challenge from the assessment Room. There are two choices in the column below of which you should consider carefully.

Option One:
Choosing a Shadow Warrior Certificate will need you to book for a Shadow Warrior Scroll challenge with a member of the Dark Arts Association ( Fellowship Of Shadows )This will hold far greater value for your Certificate combined with a Warriors Scroll Certificate.

Option Two:
Choosing a Certificate Of Excellence gives you an-opt-clause to yield a Scroll Challenge indirectly without malice or consequence for doing so. This will hold less value than a Shadow Warriors Certificate, and is based solely around your logic and skill sets as a practitioner of the arts, rather than your competency in facing fear against a superior force.


Step Four - Online Members

Use the Dropbox button link to upload your files for Assessment. Sign up to Dropbox if prompted from the link below,  keeping movie files sizes at MPEG 480p Quicktime format if possible. When you have logged in you will be uploading to the assessment folder. 

Move To Dropbox

"Patience Is A vertue"

Once you have submitted or uploaded all relevant files to Dropbox we will begin assessing your standards and skill sets. This process can take unto 14 workings days not including Bank Holidays or weekends. Once the asssessment process have concluded you will be sent an assessment report via email, which will give you a breakdown within each section of your syllabus that you have been studying. This in turn will allow you either a Pass or Failure. If however passing your assessment follow to step five to order your Shadow Warrior Certificate. If your have been unsuccessful in passing your assessment you can not retake for a further six months from the date of your report.