KMA Association
Please be aware that all "Grade Access” in accordance with students grades are charged at a fixed amount of £12.99p per week in order for you gain access to your belt or colour. Students however having obtained a colour via an assessment grading approved by the KMA Association can also access additional belt colours below their grade standard with no additional charges incurred. Students can only access a belt colour if they are studying that colour syllabus, or having achieved that grade or colour.
Each access point or colour when "logged in" will give students access to documentation and tutorial videos in relation and accordance with standards recognised or wishing to be Grade.
Access is given to registered users holding a valid Membership & having achieved recognised standards as set out by the "KMA Association" Assessments Board of Regis for each grade obtained. The Yellow Belt Grade is however accessible form when first signing up and Paying for an introduction course. Students must have registered form the “Study Room” then pay for a valid school membership in order to access the Belt sections listed below.
Our four experts and administrators form social media websites, including our online school for the art of Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu-ninjutsu.
Master of Arts of the Kokido-Ryu-Ninjutsu, Honjojutsu Katori Ryu, Battojutsu Katori Ryu, member of the Dark Arts Association.